The Top 5 Ways to Watch Fireworks at Disney World

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Most agree that Disney Fireworks are worth staying around for.  I personally know people who postponed a Disney trip until nighttime fireworks returned from its COVID hiatus.  Here are the best ways to experience fireworks from the Magic Kingdom.  

We have personally had the pleasure to experience Magic Kingdom’s nighttime spectaculars from many angles.  Now that fireworks are back, here is a countdown to the best ways to experience Magic Kingdom’s end of night celebration!

5.  From Someone’s house

Yes it is true, there are many people in central Florida who can see this splendid show from their house.  We have acquaintances who live quite a few miles out who can watch the fireworks from their deck.  If you are lucky enough to know someone, or, can rent through air B&B a house that gives you a view to magic, do it!  It’s an excellent way to pipe a little magic into your abode.

4.  In front of the castle

This is a no brainer for most and the first way many see their first Disney firework shows.  The views are decent from almost anywhere in my opinion, but for something a little closer you will need to get there early.  People start gathering and using the time to sit and rest within the hours so be aware and make plans accordingly.

3.  From a Hotel

Don’t overlook this one.  Especially the hard to come by California Grill reservation that puts you on top of the Contemporary at show time!  This is by far in my opinion the best way to experience fireworks from any Disney hostel, whether it by an affiliate hotel or an official one.  An honorable mention is the Polynesian.  The music is piped in to the courtyards and you can see the castle in far distance.  The fireworks displayed here are simply beautiful.  This one is free.  Just bus (or monorail) over, grab a Dole Whip (they sell these on sight) and enjoy the show.  No reservation required!

2.  From Astro Orbiter

If you can be swirling in the air while recording a selfie during this time it is something special.  This may not be everyone’s cup of tea as you only see the fireworks for part of the rides rotation, but, it is extremely rewarding when you are in the air with the show!

1.  From a Boat 

Perhaps the name of the post gave away the number one spot.  I am not taking about the boat Ferry from the ticket center here.  I am talking about a boat taxi from a hotel like Disney’s Wilderness Lodge.  If you can make a dinner reservation, time it to where the boat ride back to Magic Kingdom happens when you are on the boat, it is simply magical.  Gold standard magic at that.  Pictures can’t quite to justice to the scene.  The wind blowing through your hair, the fireworks in the night sky, and the reflection off the water is almost a double vision paradise.  Try this, doubt you will be disappointed.  The only downside is it takes some pre thought out planning and perfect timing to pull off, but when you do……


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