Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Edition!

There is literally so much to do at Disney World that often times many, many things get overshadowed by the newest attraction or ride. I get it. Who doesn’t like to see the new thing or ride the “must do” attraction. In Animal Kingdom people often miss taking time to truly enjoy the first class wildlife encounters the park has to offer. So, in THIS post, I am going to show you through photos why you should occasionally leave the beaten path and see what others often miss.

There’s not much in way of writing in this post - just enjoy the pictures! If you want more pictures just follow Magic_castles_mandy on Instagram to see our updates on all things theme park and travel. If you want to see theses AMAZING things yourself just click on “get a quote” for an absolutely free no obligation quote on your dream vacation. The services are always completely free and we are able to add helpful tips for extra fun and savings. Enjoy!

An amazing view from the Kilimanjaro Safari

Magic Kingdom: In Pictures


POP Century: A Walk Through Time!